The Season's are a Changin

Yep the seasons are changing and the sickness is invading.

You know if you have kids, "if one gets it, they all get it." Well praise God that wasn't quiet the case for us as Meccia just battled through what the doctors say was H1N1 Type A. We quarintined her to her room for about 5 days and knocked it out without getting it spread to anyone else. Just a note: 6 year olds do not like to be in the same room for 5 days. So then, Easton started a croupy cough and had it for a few days and Carson started some sinus issues which I believe to be a spreading of what Easton had just in a different form. So, Cody caught that and has felt like crap for a week with a BAD cough and has started on a ton of medicine to clear that up. Hopefully the meds can knock it out of her quickly because I now feel it coming on. Nothing terrible just the "Season Changing" stuffy nose and itchy throat cold.

I said all that not asking for simpathy but to prove a point. "Seasons Change" and you have to adapt and conquer the change to make the upcoming season work. I am in a few "Changing Seasons" in my life right now. One with the actual seasons and another with my life in general. God talks quietly alot and I can usually pick up on things and other times he is in my ear with a megaphone and I have no idea what he is saying.

As a lot of you may know I am kind of a "Techy", not a "Trecky"(no offense to you Star Trek fans), so my life is filled with internet and electronics on a daily basis. I mean I work from home on a computer and I have five computers in my house, three of which are in MY office. I love audio/video, mograph and static graphic design as well and most of the time I am on a computer doing something. It is very hard to disconnect for me becuase most of my life is spent trying to connect others.

So some thoughts crossed me this morning as I was walking my girls to their classes "late again" and while I was reading Perry Nobles blog about being frustrated.

#1 - I do not get enough rest.
I cram all day long thinking if I don't do this or get that done the world will end....It wont. Life is a funny thing, you can't do without it but it can go on without you.

#2 - I can't usually say "No". I want to help everyone but then don't have enough time to help the ones that really need me. I have to prioritize better the things that I "need" to do and the things that I "want" to do.

#3 - I DO NOT DISCONNECT. This I think is a large part of a lot of my failures. To my wife especially, the phone has to be cutoff and the attention needs to be on what I am doing not what I need to do later. Be in the moment...The present is named that for a reason. Enjoy the gifts of life's moments and not the failures of life's pasts or the upcoming future.

There are definitley more things I could list but would rather not put myself in a more depressive state than I am already in. Thanks for listening and I hope you can use my life to better yours.

God Bless
Josh Wyatt
Posted on 12/02/2009 by djacris and filed under , , , | 1 Comments »

Things I am Thinking...

Sup blogworld,

It has been a while and I wanted to be able to post something profound and mind altering...but I haven't ever done that so I don't know why I would start now. I basically wanted to jot some things down that I have been wanting to do and see if any one else would be interested in helping or would like to be a spectator.

There are a few things I have been thinking about doing...

1) I want to throw a concert. I was thinking of getting a large Christian Hip Hop act such as R-Swift, Mars Ill or KJ-52, someone along those lines. Then, bring in local groups, whether they be bands of local Christian Hip Hop artists. I haven't thrown a show in a while and just love doing that kind of thing.

2) If not a Hip Hop feel then do a local concert. I know that The Channel is all over the local Christian Band Scene and do not want to take anything away from what that ministry is doing but also would like for it to be to big to fill that spot. Still using all local acts with maybe on Headliner that could bring the masses.

3) I used to use Livestream(formerly Ustream) to stream church services live on the internet and would love to start a weekly or even BiWeekly show that is me spinning records and maybe interviewing local artists. Kind of like a readio show but using video and live streaming on the internet. It would take a lot of planning and be somewhere that had a large internet capacity. I only have a 256Kb upload, which is not going to be good.

The main thing is finances. I am by no means asking people for money but would love for people to volunteer their time, venue and donations to get these things started. I have no plans set in stone right now but would like your input to see if anyone would like to get involved in some or all of these things.

Give me a shout or hit me up on one of my many avenues.


Posted on 10/14/2009 by djacris and filed under | 2 Comments »

Carson's 3rd Birthday

I must say we had a good time at Carson's 3rd birthday party.

We held it at our house and kept the number of kids down to a few. They all had a blast with two jumpies, Barbie jeep, bubbles, cars and other fun things like our playset. Thanks to all who came out, Carson, Cody and I thank you for your love and support.

Here is a video I put together in iMovie from some of the shots I got from my Nikon D60 and the Insignia Flash Camcorder I was carrying around.

Posted on 9/12/2009 by djacris and filed under , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comments »

Labor on Labor Day

I wish I could say I did nothing on "Labor Day" but that would be a false statement. Although I will probably not be able to move in the morning I did get a pretty good bit done.

First things first my wonderful wife let me sleep till about 9:30 am and then took the kids to her Mom and Dad's to let the boys play in the dirt. While they were gone I got out in the yard and started cleaning up since we are having Carson's 3rd party here this weekend. I then rode up to Mom and Dad's and picked up the hedge trimmers and brought it back to the house to straighten up some bushes that grow rapidly around our house. I must warn anyone who is going to do this and doesn't do it on a regular basis. Get in shape before handling a hedge trimmer, my upper body is killing me. I finished some touch up painting that needed to be done, although I found more to do after I was done and dipped my hand into paint thinner.(hint: Oil base paint does not wash of a brush so don't grab it with your hands to try and get it off.)

Got a lot to do this week as well. I am going to take of Wednesday and Thursday to try and accomplish all I have to do. Finishing things around the house for the party, finishing some video stuff, spending quality time with the kids and Cody and making sure that my walk is growing with God(not necessarily in that order).

There are a lot of things going on with Cody and myself and we want to make sure that we re doing the right thing. We have felt that we are going in the right direction and will continue to do so until we feel we need to make another change. Having said that we are going to be making changes so we are able to enjoy our time with each other and our beautiful children. Finances are what is on the front burner right now. After attending the Financial Learning Experience at Newspring with Joe Sangl(check this site out for a ton of budgeting tips) we are going to sell everything we have so we don't owe any money, J/K. We are though going to be making some changes and budgeting a little(a lot) better. So keep us in your prayers and if anyone wants to buy a house and two cars let me know. :-)

Enjoy your week and may God bless you and your family.

Posted on 9/07/2009 by djacris and filed under , , , , , | 0 Comments »

It's Friday...

So for the past few months my Friday's have been crazy and this one was no different.

I have at least 4 conference calls each Friday for my J O B and sometimes 6. On the days I have six my schedule is as follows:

9am - 10am
10:15am - 10:45am
11:00am -12:00pm
1:00pm - 2:00pm
2:15pm - 2:45pm
3:00pm - 4:00pm

Today was one of those days. On the days I have four calls I don't have the 10:15am and 2:15pm calls which are for new reps and usually there are no one on those calls but I have to sit on a conference number for about 5 or 10 minutes just to make sure no one shows up. It is a very lonely feeling when that happens.

On Fridays I try to use the time in between calls to play around with the Adobe suite(After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator) and some other stuff like Reason, Pro Tools, and my latest addition to my toys the wonderful 15" MacBook. I am still in the process of loading Pro Tools and Reason on the Mac but will have to eventually by the Adobe Suite for Mac when I can scrounge up a couple thousand dollars, unless one of you who are reading this want to be super generous and sling me a few G's to get that started.

Here is my latest test on a series Revolution Church is starting on September 20th. This is just a test and more than likely the finished product will look nothing like this. I have been trying new things and most of the time realize that it looks terrible so I have to ask some design pals of mine for help.

Moral = Go to college!!!

Here is the link. Hope you enjoy and let me know your opinions...PLEASE!!!!

Have a wonderful and safe Labor Day Weekend.
Posted on 9/04/2009 by djacris and filed under , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 0 Comments »

Blog a Day & Making it Count

Hey guys

I hope all is well with you and your families.

I am going to try a Blog a Day schedule and wanted to explain and start that with this post. I am basically going to use this a a way to communicate what 140 characters can't explain. I will probably not be posting super profound messages but things that relate to my everyday walk and things that are happening to me and my family.

I want to first thank everyone who reads this, if there is anyone. I love being able to let people know what is happening with my family and I, even though you may not care :-).

With every day I come across decisions that will effect myself and my family and just ask that you pray for us as we try to make the decision God would have us make. The first thing right now is Budget. We attended the Joe Sangl Financial Learning Experience last night at Newspring Anderson and had a blast. Check out his website for awesome budgeting tools and links that can help you save money.

Another thing is our family Schedule. We are going to be sitting down to plan out our time so we(@acriswifee and I) can make sure that we are spending enough, and quality, time with our children, each other and alone.

As a father I have lately come to realize that sitting on the couch in the same room is not "quality" time with my family. That is why we are going to "schedule our fun". Making and taking time to cut off from the world and focus on my family, my wife and myself. I pray that any fathers who read this will do the same because other than God these people are all you got. MAKE IT COUNT.

So that is today's blog fart. I hope you enjoy.

Posted on 9/02/2009 by djacris and filed under | 3 Comments »

Trying to find my place...

There are times in my life I absolutely know what God is trying to tell me. There are others, such as the season I am in, that I am confused in the direction I should take.

So that is what this post is for. I could use all your prayers. I ask that you specifically pray for Clarity of the direction my Family and I should take.

I would also ask for suggestions on ways to clear my mind to be able to hear what God is speaking to me as a person and to us as a family. Still being kinda new at all this I seek counsel as much as possible and think that this could be a good outlet to reach out to people that I would normally not have physical conversations with. So here is a summary...

Need Prayer for: CLARITY.
Need suggestions on how to hear from GOD and know it is HIM talking.

Thanks everyone and God Bless

Posted on 8/29/2009 by djacris and filed under | 2 Comments »

Should I....

Just a quick Blog questionaire. I am considering changing my blog from Blogger to WordPress since it seems there are a whole lot cooler templates for WordPress.

Thoughts, comments or concerns???

Please comment.
Posted on 8/28/2009 by djacris and filed under , , , , , , , , | 1 Comments »

Quick Post: Prayer Needed

Please be in prayer tonight for the Fuse students at Newspring. I am on my way out to go and help with Audio/Video at the Greenville Campus.

Be also in Prayer about the Revolution Church Preview Service that is happening THIS Sunday August 2nd at the Hilton on Haywood Rd. in Greenville, SC. Get Directions here.

Invite your friends, Family and even the people you don't like(they need Jesus too). It will definitely be an awesome time of worship as Tyler and Landen Beemer bring their band and we are able to use the sound system that we are in the process of paying for(could still use some financial help on that).

Chris will be speaking on Authenticity which we should all strive for. God Bless and I hope to see you at the service this Sunday.

Invite people by email from this page.
Posted on 7/29/2009 by djacris and filed under , , , , , , , , , | 0 Comments »

It's been a long time...

Hey blog readers...if there are any.

Just wanted to post a quick blog about the Revolution Church preview service coming up THIS Sunday at The Hilton in Greenville, SC @ 6:30pm. We are super pumped about getting to serve and be apart of what God is trying to do in GVegas.

I am also pumped about the setup for this service. I went to Hancock Fabrics the other day a bought so "SPANDEX", not for me to wear to but to make a stage is what it looked like in my living room. :-)

Probably going to go back and buy up a lot more of that, maybe in different colors as well and just play around with it.

We also have ordered some lights and I had a good friend of mine loan me some stuff to use at the service and maybe even purchase for Revolution.

Hope everyone can make it or just be in prayer for everyone in attendance.

Talk at ya soon.
Posted on 7/10/2009 by djacris and filed under , , , , , , | 0 Comments »

Massive Thanks

I am still ecstatic over the Revolution Church Preview Service that was held at the Hilton in Greenville, SC on June 7th. It is amazing to see so many people show up to help and do God's work. There are many, many, many people I would like to thank I will probably miss a lot of them but just know that if you were there and helped with any part of the service you are appreciated.

First I need to thank my Mom and Dad who will help with anything I am involved in no questions asked just because I am their son. It is an awesome feeling to have supportive parents and people like that around you.

Joe Miloche, I cannot say enough about Joe and how he came in took ownership of the lights and getting them setup and running them throughout the service. It was such a blessing to not have to worry if the lights were going to be setup right or even setup at all.

Skrilla (Josh Wofford) helped a ton as well. From getting all of my stuff, out, setup and running to controlling Media Shout during the service.

Chad Smith and Travis Williams helped get the screen setup and Travis also helped with the house lights which kept me or Skrilla from having to run back and forth to do so.

Hopefully for our next preview service which is at the Greenville Hilton on July 12th, 2009 at 6:30pm we will have the Palmetto Ballroom which has touch screen digital lighting versus a scatterbrained, no comprehensive reasoning, rotary dimmers. (it was terrible)

Invite your friends and family to the next service HERE.

I also cannot give enough credit to Tyler Beemer who brought the sound system, which ROCKED. He gave us a FANTASTIC DEAL. His business is Audio Arsenal and their phone number is (864.477.2523). Give him a call to rent sound equipment, and him and his brother Landen also have a band and can run sound as well. (Good Peeps.)

To all of the Volunteers that had any part of any part of the service, kids, greeting, parking or whatever you did

Posted on 6/09/2009 by djacris and filed under , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comments »

Revolution Church

Hey guys go and check out the Revolution Church blog and keep up with what is happening. We are holding the first Preview Service on June 7th, 2009.

Here are links to the world of Revolution.

Revolution Website
Revolution Blog
Revolution Twitter
Revolution Facebook

Thanks and we hope to see you there.

Posted on 5/14/2009 by djacris and filed under , , , , , , , , , , , | 0 Comments »

A Getaway to getaway....and a Happy Mother's Day

Me and Acriswifee are headed out to a night alone in Hendersonville, NC. We haven't REALLY had a night without putting kids in the bed and being woke up the next morning in a very long time.

This night is a culmination of My Birthday (May 6th), Cody's birthday (May 12th) and Mother's day all in one. It seems like we have to combine a bunch of holiday's to have a small getaway. I am praying for relaxation and enlightenment for a lot of things that are going on in our life right now. I really hope any one who reads this can take a second and ask God to show Cody and myself the path that he would have us walk.

There are many things coming at specifically me that I really have no idea what to do. Many doors are opening but I don't know which one to walk through. I haven't had one of those Ahh Ha moments that smacks me in the face and says, "Stop being stupid and do..." So I am just continueing on the path that I think I should go and just know that God has the plan and it will be revealed to me in HIS time.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and enjoy your Mother's Day Weekend.

Before I go though I have to say something about MY MOM. I absolutely owe my life to her. She was always supportive and understanding. I always knew that I could come to Mom and unleash the beast and everything would be alright. I saw someone on Facebook say make sure to tell your Mom you love and appreciate them because you might not have them here one day.

So...Mom, I love you and Thank God that I was put in your hands on this earth. Thank you for the love and giving heart you continue to bless my children with and may God Bless you for all you have done for others.

To my ABSOLUTELY MAGNIFICANT WIFE. I love and cherish every moment that we have together. Through all of the fighting, the up's and the down's, I could not ask for a better wife and Mother to my children. Words cannot convey the love that I have and continue to grow that will show my grattitude to God for putting you in my path. I know I can be forgetful about some important things and not help as much as I should but I pray that I can change to suit you. Only God is perfect you come dang close. Thanks for the wonderful 5 years we have and the 50 to come. I love you Babe.

A BIG Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there...until Father's Day.

Exodus 20:12
Posted on 5/08/2009 by djacris and filed under , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comments »

My Website (DJACRIS.COM)

Hey Guys and Gals,

Just wanted to say what's up and let you know that I have my site up. I have had it for a while but just have been playing with templates and links and such. I will be updating as often as I can and maybe even changing the look around alot, I am never satisfied. So check out DJACRIS.COM and let me know what you think.

If there are any web designers itching to have practice, my site is definetly available. Hope you guys enjoy.

Check back soon to My Blog for more Videos and My Thoughts on this crazy world.
Posted on 5/05/2009 by djacris and filed under , , , , , , , , | 0 Comments »

ACRIS' Cleaning Service

Posted on 4/14/2009 by djacris and filed under , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments »

Stop and Smell the Roses

Hey Peeps,
Just wanted to post a quick blog about our day at Falls Park in downtown Greenville, SC near the Reedy River. We had a blast with the Lewis Family, Chris, Tabitha, Marybeth, Gracie and Topher. Chuck and Kala Morris were there too with little Carridee(not sure if that is how you spell her name).

Just hanging out by the Reedy snapping some pictures of the kids while they got some energy out and frolicked in the grass. Watching Gracie, Topher and Meccia walk around and pic flowers made me realize that we sometimes don't take the time to "Stop and Smell the Rose's" so to speak. As I get older I realize that some of the things that used to bother me really don't mean anything in the Realm of Eternity. So remember in your day to day life stop and pick a flower, put down your laptop and focus on what IS important....



Even in this bad economy, you can get another job, buy another car and even live in a smaller house than you are accustom to, but you only get one life and in the end there will be God and Family and you don't want to be without them in the last moments. So I pray for myself(especially) and whoever else is reading this to, "STOP AND SMELL THE ROSES." Don't take things for granted and be thankful for what you do have because you can't take any of that other stuff with you in the end.

Oh Yeah click on the links to check out the Picture's of Falls Park Fun Day and Guy's Morning Out. You can also click to the right on the Flickr badge on the top right of my blog page. Thanks to all who reads my blog and views my Flickr Pics.

His Truly
Posted on 4/04/2009 by djacris and filed under | 1 Comments »

Thank You, Chuck Bridges...

So as I obsess over my blog and website stats, even though I haven't put the link on to start the count since I REALLY need to update it, it is a template. I ponder why people are coming to my blog from where they are coming from and also what and where would be the best way to advertise and market my blog and website.

If you will notice the picture to the right it shows where my recent visits are coming from. Chuck Bridges Blog has been the #1 site people are visiting my site from since I posted the "Warning: This may offend you...Not My Fault" blog.

First of all let me thank you guys for visiting multiple blogs and surfing the net through links that you find interesting. That is one reason why I posted "Can't we all just LINK along." I also have to say thanks to all the bloger's who have put a link to my blog on their blog as something they read. I am striving and thinking on a daily basis of what to put on my blog to show you how I am, teach and all out entertain people who visit. That is also why I posted "Need Your Help..." to see what you actually want to see or read on my blog. So please at any time shoot me an email, leave me a comment on FaceBook, MySpace or Twitter. You could even leave me a comment about anything on any blog. So to the MEAT of this blog.

I really want to thank Chuck Bridges for not only the blog traffic but for the past year I have been at WAC. I came there in very bad shape and am leaving a better Christian thanks to him, Chris Lewis and Ricky Motes. It is really hard to leave a place you once felt very comfortable and that had a tremendous impact on your life. I have gained much knowledge from those men and will continue to grow because of my time at WAC. I also want to thank all of the people that I worked with at WAC. There are too many to name but I REALLY appreciate all they have done for me.

So it is time to sign off but remember this as you go on with your life and look back on your time at the places you have been...1 Corinthians 2:9 (Thanks Ricky I needed that)


P.S. is where I get my stats from. Anyone know of another place that is better?
Posted on 3/27/2009 by djacris and filed under | 0 Comments »

Need your help...

So I just setup up a link on my iPod Touch to be able to blog from it.

I have a question for my viewers.

I am wanting to post a new video blog but am having troubles with thinking what to post. Leave me a comment of some of your ideas or requests that you would like to see.

One thing that Acriswifee thought was to make a short video of Wyattville that looks like John and Kate plus 8. We could call it Ac and Wifee plus 4.

Tell me somethin...
Posted on 3/25/2009 by djacris and filed under , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments »

Can't we all just LINK along???

Hey so I was browsing my stats for my blog yesterday since I had a rush of visits, WHICH IS COOL. I realized that a lot of my visits came from other blogs. I think as fellow blogger's if we link other blogs on our site it will help get visits up on our blogs.

So if you want me to put your blog on my site comment or send me an email and I will put it in my blog list. (There will be some research involved) I am not going to link vulgar or nasty blogs...have some common sense.

I also wanted to touch on my lack of video posting. It will be back soon and I will try and make you laugh.

Posted on 3/24/2009 by djacris and filed under , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments »

Warning: This may offend you...Not my fault

So first of all I am absolutely relieved that I have this massive weight off my chest. I will not go into details but for a while now myself and my wife have been praying about things that were going on at a place that we frequent. We highly disagreed with the leadership and expressed that but was told that that was the leadership and they were in charge. I try to not compare these types of places to a business but in some ways you have to because in order for a business to succeed you need to have good planning and leadership and workers with the right attitude and vision.

If you have someone that works for you and you know down deep that what they are doing is costing your business money you are not going to say "Oh well, I am going to keep them since I know them and even though they are costing me money and may make my business fail I will keep them because of my personal relationship." BOO CRAP!! If your business was going under you would get rid of that person even if they were your Momma. And if you wouldn't then you would be one broke IDIOT.

I cannot tell you how much it bothers me that someone will make a decision to NOT do something that someone has planned and put a lot of effort into that will bring money or people to a business because their slack business partner who hasn't shown up to meetings and decided to do something smaller that would attract less people or make less money because they are not man enough to step up and do what is RIGHT.

I really put my heart and SOUL, literally, into this place and now I get discarded from "Staff" decisions and conversations because I am apart of someone who is trying to do the right thing.

I know this is spuratic and not making much sense to a lot of people but I had to get some things off of my chest. I probably shouldn't even post this but I am not someone who hides my feelings to spare anothers. The church shouldn't do that either. We should stand up and say who and why we are doing this and if you do not like it then take it up with him. We are not here to please everyone. We are here to spread the word that Jesus died on the cross for you and me and that is it. We are going to do that the way we know how whether you like it or not and we are not going to change because of your preference in genre of music.

When a church starts to try and keep the people that are already saved and members and stops trying to reach out and save the unsaved that is why churches fail. That is why churches don't grow and that is why so many people are "Church Shopping."

People nowadays think it is all about them and that is why I am a big fan of Newspring Church. It was stated by Howard Frist, campus pastor of Newspring Greenville that while you attend Newspring or are thinking of attending, then everything we do is for YOU. Once you get saved and/or join Newspring then everything you do is for the others that are not a member or more importantly not saved. Once you cross the line and become a member of the team. it is not about you anymore.

I know I am ranting but it has just been a crazy week that has taught me a lot about a lot of people and also gotten me down because you get into a groove and you think you can settle in and enjoy the ride. That is another thing that God has shown me this week as well. Chris Lewis put this very well one day in his journal. God spoke to him and said "I have put you into uncomfortable situations....Expect more of that."

You know what I am beginning to realize maybe I am made to be in those situations. I used to think that life was all about experiences and you learn from your mistakes. I have realized that life is about God and he will put you through things you can use as a ministry later on in life.

Listen, If I have offended anyone in this blog, then you are guilty. I am going to bed.

Psalm 3:3-5

PS Action's speak LOUDER than words.
Posted on 3/22/2009 by djacris and filed under , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments »

Unleash (Post 2)

Hey Guys,
Super stoked about my time at Unleash 2009. I want to first thank Newspring Church for putting it on. The two main sessions were AWESOME and worship filled. Never can get to much of God speaking through Perry Noble at me. Check out this snippet of mine and Chris Lewis' day at Unleash 2009.

I also have posted some Flickr Pics of Unleash too.

DJACRIS (Josh Wyatt)
Posted on 3/16/2009 by djacris and filed under , , , , , , , , , , | 0 Comments »

Unleash (post 1)

Hey guys,
Check out these Photo's on Flickr of my trip to #Unleash.

Below is my favorite.

Posted on 3/14/2009 by djacris and filed under , , , , , , , , , , | 0 Comments »

Rededication Celebration

Big up to all who came out to my surprise party. Check out this quick overview of my day. Thanks


Rededication Celibration from Josh Wyatt on Vimeo.
Posted on 3/11/2009 by djacris and filed under , , , , , , , , , , , | 0 Comments »

Snow Day in Wyattville

Posted on 3/04/2009 by djacris and filed under | 0 Comments »

What do you do on your date night?

Posted on 2/24/2009 by djacris and filed under | 5 Comments »

Newspring Greenville Test

Newspring Greenville Test
Originally uploaded by djacris
this is a test to see how flickr goes to my blog
Posted on 2/23/2009 by djacris and filed under | 1 Comments »