Warning: This may offend you...Not my fault

So first of all I am absolutely relieved that I have this massive weight off my chest. I will not go into details but for a while now myself and my wife have been praying about things that were going on at a place that we frequent. We highly disagreed with the leadership and expressed that but was told that that was the leadership and they were in charge. I try to not compare these types of places to a business but in some ways you have to because in order for a business to succeed you need to have good planning and leadership and workers with the right attitude and vision.

If you have someone that works for you and you know down deep that what they are doing is costing your business money you are not going to say "Oh well, I am going to keep them since I know them and even though they are costing me money and may make my business fail I will keep them because of my personal relationship." BOO CRAP!! If your business was going under you would get rid of that person even if they were your Momma. And if you wouldn't then you would be one broke IDIOT.

I cannot tell you how much it bothers me that someone will make a decision to NOT do something that someone has planned and put a lot of effort into that will bring money or people to a business because their slack business partner who hasn't shown up to meetings and decided to do something smaller that would attract less people or make less money because they are not man enough to step up and do what is RIGHT.

I really put my heart and SOUL, literally, into this place and now I get discarded from "Staff" decisions and conversations because I am apart of someone who is trying to do the right thing.

I know this is spuratic and not making much sense to a lot of people but I had to get some things off of my chest. I probably shouldn't even post this but I am not someone who hides my feelings to spare anothers. The church shouldn't do that either. We should stand up and say who and why we are doing this and if you do not like it then take it up with him. We are not here to please everyone. We are here to spread the word that Jesus died on the cross for you and me and that is it. We are going to do that the way we know how whether you like it or not and we are not going to change because of your preference in genre of music.

When a church starts to try and keep the people that are already saved and members and stops trying to reach out and save the unsaved that is why churches fail. That is why churches don't grow and that is why so many people are "Church Shopping."

People nowadays think it is all about them and that is why I am a big fan of Newspring Church. It was stated by Howard Frist, campus pastor of Newspring Greenville that while you attend Newspring or are thinking of attending, then everything we do is for YOU. Once you get saved and/or join Newspring then everything you do is for the others that are not a member or more importantly not saved. Once you cross the line and become a member of the team. it is not about you anymore.

I know I am ranting but it has just been a crazy week that has taught me a lot about a lot of people and also gotten me down because you get into a groove and you think you can settle in and enjoy the ride. That is another thing that God has shown me this week as well. Chris Lewis put this very well one day in his journal. God spoke to him and said "I have put you into uncomfortable situations....Expect more of that."

You know what I am beginning to realize maybe I am made to be in those situations. I used to think that life was all about experiences and you learn from your mistakes. I have realized that life is about God and he will put you through things you can use as a ministry later on in life.

Listen, If I have offended anyone in this blog, then you are guilty. I am going to bed.

Psalm 3:3-5

PS Action's speak LOUDER than words.
Posted on 3/22/2009 by djacris and filed under , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments »


~LeAnn~ said... @ March 23, 2009 at 12:55 PM

I will comment! I think this was awesome. We recently...well not so recently went through a very similar problem At R.W.O.C. We worked there for many many years and things were going on as well...LONG story...We know how you feel! After much prayer and finally peace over our decision, we left the church. Yours may be different, but we will pray for God's will in your life in this situation! Tell Cody I understand now, and will continue to pray. If you guys need anything call us, we will talk and listen and we will pray with you if you need us :) In Christ, Jonathan and Leann Craigo

Anonymous said... @ March 23, 2009 at 2:12 PM

It was said at my ordination "Don't let the junk around the altar keep you from the altar". I heard it then and have lived it since. It would be easy to let the 'junk' of the church keep us from God. I can look back, though, and see God work in my life through those experiences. In God's time He will reveal Himself and hHis plan for you and your family. I love you guys and want the best for you, Cody, and your beautiful children. If there is any way I can help, please feel free to call. You KNOW I'd love to have you visit us while you seek God's direction. Call me.


Anonymous said... @ March 23, 2009 at 6:35 PM

Your time was well spent. Sad that our expectations and experiences don't always line up with God's will. In our walk we experience some tough things. Not to make us angry or bitter, but often to teach us things about our next assignments. The question is do you walk away bitter at circumstances or thankful for the oppurtunity you had to serve your God in a time that HE placed you there? Remember it breaks His heart at the things that don't please Him. The church is His bride and Jesus presents it spotless and blameless. No matter what happens in a church building, Christ still loves the people in the building. And since the church is His bride be careful when criticism falls on it. I know as men we are quick to take up for our bride. I'm sure God feels the same.
These are just some thoughts that rolled through my head as I read and affirmed things within your post.
Carrie and I love you and Cody. Keep your head up and focus on His will. Your passion and desire is what He planned to use for his kingdom when he designed you.
Check out http://coreycarrie.com/2009/03/22/integrity/
You were one of the friends that I was talking about in this post!

djacris said... @ March 24, 2009 at 6:04 AM

I wish there was someway we could create a place that had nothing to do with the building but only the people in it. I meant no criticism by this post only stress relief. As I try not to hold things to not become a boiling pot of bitterness I could either beat my kids and wife or blog...so I choose to do the latter, hahahaha. Thanks for the support of all who support.