A Getaway to getaway....and a Happy Mother's Day

Me and Acriswifee are headed out to a night alone in Hendersonville, NC. We haven't REALLY had a night without putting kids in the bed and being woke up the next morning in a very long time.
This night is a culmination of My Birthday (May 6th), Cody's birthday (May 12th) and Mother's day all in one. It seems like we have to combine a bunch of holiday's to have a small getaway. I am praying for relaxation and enlightenment for a lot of things that are going on in our life right now. I really hope any one who reads this can take a second and ask God to show Cody and myself the path that he would have us walk.
There are many things coming at specifically me that I really have no idea what to do. Many doors are opening but I don't know which one to walk through. I haven't had one of those Ahh Ha moments that smacks me in the face and says, "Stop being stupid and do..." So I am just continueing on the path that I think I should go and just know that God has the plan and it will be revealed to me in HIS time.
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and enjoy your Mother's Day Weekend.
Before I go though I have to say something about MY MOM. I absolutely owe my life to her. She was always supportive and understanding. I always knew that I could come to Mom and unleash the beast and everything would be alright. I saw someone on Facebook say make sure to tell your Mom you love and appreciate them because you might not have them here one day.
So...Mom, I love you and Thank God that I was put in your hands on this earth. Thank you for the love and giving heart you continue to bless my children with and may God Bless you for all you have done for others.
To my ABSOLUTELY MAGNIFICANT WIFE. I love and cherish every moment that we have together. Through all of the fighting, the up's and the down's, I could not ask for a better wife and Mother to my children. Words cannot convey the love that I have and continue to grow that will show my grattitude to God for putting you in my path. I know I can be forgetful about some important things and not help as much as I should but I pray that I can change to suit you. Only God is perfect you come dang close. Thanks for the wonderful 5 years we have and the 50 to come. I love you Babe.
A BIG Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there...until Father's Day.
Exodus 20:12
Josh you are the BEST I love you soooo very much!
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