Hey guys
I hope all is well with you and your families.
I am going to try a Blog a Day schedule and wanted to explain and start that with this post. I am basically going to use this a a way to communicate what
140 characters can't explain. I will probably not be posting super profound messages but things that relate to my everyday walk and things that are happening to me and my family.
I want to first thank everyone who reads this, if there is anyone. I love being able to let people know what is happening with my family and I, even though you may not care :-).
With every day I come across decisions that will effect myself and my family and just ask that you pray for us as we try to make the decision God would have us make. The first thing right now is Budget. We attended the
Joe Sangl Financial Learning Experience last night at
Newspring Anderson and had a blast. Check out
his website for awesome budgeting tools and links that can help you save money.
Another thing is our family Schedule. We are going to be sitting down to plan out our time so we(
@acriswifee and I) can make sure that we are spending enough, and quality, time with our children, each other and alone.
As a father I have lately come to realize that sitting on the couch in the same room is not "quality" time with my family. That is why we are going to "schedule our fun". Making and taking time to cut off from the world and focus on my family, my wife and myself. I pray that any fathers who read this will do the same because other than God these people are all you got. MAKE IT COUNT.
So that is today's blog fart. I hope you enjoy.