The Season's are a Changin

Yep the seasons are changing and the sickness is invading.

You know if you have kids, "if one gets it, they all get it." Well praise God that wasn't quiet the case for us as Meccia just battled through what the doctors say was H1N1 Type A. We quarintined her to her room for about 5 days and knocked it out without getting it spread to anyone else. Just a note: 6 year olds do not like to be in the same room for 5 days. So then, Easton started a croupy cough and had it for a few days and Carson started some sinus issues which I believe to be a spreading of what Easton had just in a different form. So, Cody caught that and has felt like crap for a week with a BAD cough and has started on a ton of medicine to clear that up. Hopefully the meds can knock it out of her quickly because I now feel it coming on. Nothing terrible just the "Season Changing" stuffy nose and itchy throat cold.

I said all that not asking for simpathy but to prove a point. "Seasons Change" and you have to adapt and conquer the change to make the upcoming season work. I am in a few "Changing Seasons" in my life right now. One with the actual seasons and another with my life in general. God talks quietly alot and I can usually pick up on things and other times he is in my ear with a megaphone and I have no idea what he is saying.

As a lot of you may know I am kind of a "Techy", not a "Trecky"(no offense to you Star Trek fans), so my life is filled with internet and electronics on a daily basis. I mean I work from home on a computer and I have five computers in my house, three of which are in MY office. I love audio/video, mograph and static graphic design as well and most of the time I am on a computer doing something. It is very hard to disconnect for me becuase most of my life is spent trying to connect others.

So some thoughts crossed me this morning as I was walking my girls to their classes "late again" and while I was reading Perry Nobles blog about being frustrated.

#1 - I do not get enough rest.
I cram all day long thinking if I don't do this or get that done the world will end....It wont. Life is a funny thing, you can't do without it but it can go on without you.

#2 - I can't usually say "No". I want to help everyone but then don't have enough time to help the ones that really need me. I have to prioritize better the things that I "need" to do and the things that I "want" to do.

#3 - I DO NOT DISCONNECT. This I think is a large part of a lot of my failures. To my wife especially, the phone has to be cutoff and the attention needs to be on what I am doing not what I need to do later. Be in the moment...The present is named that for a reason. Enjoy the gifts of life's moments and not the failures of life's pasts or the upcoming future.

There are definitley more things I could list but would rather not put myself in a more depressive state than I am already in. Thanks for listening and I hope you can use my life to better yours.

God Bless
Josh Wyatt
Posted on 12/02/2009 by djacris and filed under , , , | 1 Comments »